Saturday 12 July 2014

Living On The Edge (And Whatnot)

So, last night, two of my favourite people ever (Noor and Maryam) and I decided to have the best celebration of 8 years of friendship ever before Noor moves to the US for college (*sobs*).

So we decided to go to Russo's pizzeria. And because we are the most awesome-sauce human beings alive, we managed to convince ourselves that it was okay to get Russo's XXL pizza with the excuse that we were fasting and hungry, so we'd probably finish it.

Boy, were we wrong.

I think it goes without saying that we got quite a few whispers, sideways glances and outright stares, because we were 3 girls trying to consume a pizza made for 10 hungry men everyone was jealous of our swag. 

I literally had to out-stare this girl who kept glancing at us while nibbling at her NON-GREASY, TASTELESS salad.

And in all honesty, I regret nothing, cause despite the fact that we had to pack up half the pizza to take home, and the fact that everyone thought we were cows, it was a pretty delicious meal and, well, we couldn't stop laughing throughout the evening (we even cried a bit when we saw the pizza), so that really did make it all worth it.

You gotta admit, though, we're so hard-core. Totally living on the edge.

The edge of coronary heart disease.

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