Thursday 17 July 2014

Luis Suárez- Three bites, you're out!

Note: This was originally written on the 26th of June 2014.
Also, I am incredibly excited about Luis's signing at FC Barcelona and I wish him a successful, biting-free 5 years (unless he wants to bite a Real Madrid player, which in all honesty, I'm okay with!)

The minute Luis Suárez’s teeth sunk into Chiellini’s flesh (how graphic!) I immediately thought, “this calls for a blog post!”
So let me break it down to you… Actually, there really isn’t anything to break down. The bloke bit a man! And this isn’t even the first time!

Luis Suárez has quite a reputation for attempting to consume his opponents.
Now what I don’t quite understand is what was going on inside Suárez’s head. Was he staring lustfully at Chiellini’s shoulder just waiting to take a chunk out of that bad boy? Because in all honesty, this is cannibalism! This is vampirism!

And you know what? It’s actually kind of sad. Uruguay qualified against Italy, which was such an awesome achievement, but no one even mentioned that because all anyone could talk about after the match was Suárez (and for all the wrong reasons). And what’s worse is that he’s almost certainly going to get sent home from the World Cup after his little biting incident, letting Uruguay, who are so dependent on him (he really is a great player!), down. He might even be banned from international football for the rest of his life.
But what really made me scratch my head is why he’s repeated the exact same action 3 times!!!
So I decided to do a little bit of research…
According to psychologist Dr. Saima Latif from the Telegraph, ‘Luis Suarez bite comes from childhood humiliation and frustration’. Take a look at this…
“Research shows that the most violent period of our lives is when we are between three and four years old. That is the most aggressive stage of development, because if we don’t get what we want, we fight and lash out. It’s also the stage when the Id takes over; a basic instinct when we can’t control our temperament.
Perhaps his (Suárez’s) biting started in childhood and was triggered by something, perhaps he was bitten in turn. To get to the root of the problem and address it effectively he does require psychological therapy which looks at the more deep-seated issues that might be of concern.
Suárez’s anger management therapy should have provided him with some techniques to cope with these situations, but it doesn’t seem to have been effective.
This may be because the therapy was part of his previous punishment [for the Ivanovic bite], therefore he just went through the motions and paid lip service to it. Either that, or it’s a spur of the moment act for him, so much so that he can’t utilise what he’s been taught.
His remarks after the match show that he’s trying to minimize his actions. Suárez trying to shift the blame is also a classic form of childish behaviour. Most children, when they are confronted with something they have done, will immediately take recourse in lying.”
So maybe he couldn’t control it (Chiellini does have quite an attractive-looking shoulder)… maybe it’s an instinct he was stuck with since he was a child. You kind of feel a bit sorry for him.
You have to admit though, it’s just a little bit funny (unless you’re Chiellini.)

One of my favourites... Suárez bit my finger

Well, would you look at that!
Oh, Nando's!
Well, you know what they say…

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