Sunday 20 July 2014


I have a confession to make.

Truth is, I am one of those people who make a list of all sorts of exhilarating, adventurous, and productive things to do during summer holiday. But once the reality of not having AS levels to study for sinks in, I generally end up lying around watching TV, sleeping, and surfing the internet.

But can you blame me? Once you're trapped in that loop, there ain't no going back, son.

It's not like those are the only things I've done all summer. I mean, I am currently employed at a summer camp for kids, and am earning a whopping salary of $00.00!!! And though the kids are adorable (Ma Shaa Allah!), and it is sort of nice entertaining them 5 hours a day, 6 days a week... it can get incredibly tiring (especially for no pay). Also, spending my evenings picking glue off of my fingers is not what I had in mind when I planned this whole "Summer of Awesome" thing. And if I get into one more conversation in which I must reply to every single statement with "Really? Wow!", I think I might just go mad.

A few of the things on that damned list were to start exercising, to carry on learning French, to learn to cook, and to decide what on earth I wanted to do with my life. And seeing as I still can't do a push-up, my francais est tres crap, we're a month into summer and I can't remember a time when I put something in the oven and it didn't come out burnt, and I just found out that professional football-watching is not an option, I think it's safe to say that I can cross off... let's see... one, tw- NO ITEMS OFF MY LIST.

I won't say this summer is going badly. I got to see my best friend after ages,  I got into a full-on water-fight with our, ahem, "graduates", which was fun, and I went for Umrah, so this summer is at least an improvement to 2012's (which I spent drowning in self-inflicted misery). But in terms of exhilaration, in all honesty, the most exciting part of it all was when our car wouldn't start halfway between Makkah and Al-Madinah.

And in terms of productivity,... heh heh.

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